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As the snow melted away life unexpectedly turns up at the foot of the mountain (5250 m)! Hundreds of these beautiful tiny (10-15 cm) flowers pop up within a week when the sun hits the soil.
152_Climbing Schedule Cas 153_Godwin Austen Glacier Arjan 154_Godwin Austen Glacier 155_Godwin Austen Glacier 156_Godwin Austen Glacier 157_Advanced Bc Primula 158_Advanced Bc Ronald N 159_Advanced Bc Arjan+Wouter 160_ABc-Camp 1 Trail Ronald N 161_ABc-Camp 1 Trail Arjan
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157_Advanced Bc Primula  [157 of 235] ExhibitPlus 157_Advanced Bc Primula As the snow melted away life unexpectedly turns up at the foot of the mountain (5250 m)!
Hundreds of these beautiful tiny (10-15 cm) flowers pop up within a week when the sun hits the soil.
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